Thursday, July 2, 2009

Early Celebration

Our church spent the evening worshipping God and honoring our country. We were privileged to be able to gaze out at the sparkling lake thanks to a dear sweet couple who offered their home and backyard for this beautiful service.

Let's get ready to celebrate the Fourth of July!!!


  1. Wow, how nice! What a great idea!

  2. Oh, I meant to ask...with what denomination do you fellowship? We fellowship with the churches of Christ- a few things you've mentioned on your blog made me curious!

    Have a great 4th of July!!

  3. Hey Kelly, I think it was the Sunday evening service and the singing at the lake (without instruments, I assumed!). Your faith also shines through! We worship at Summerville CoC, and we just got back from Palmetto Bible Camp (up in Marietta, SC) a few weeks ago. I also am familiar with Hatcher Gardens, so I got the impression you were upstate. As you can certainly tell, we are in Charleston! B/c of camp, we know people who worship at Central (Spartanburg) and Northeast (Greenville), as well as the congregations in Columbia. Once again, have a super 4th!!
    Ann in SC
