Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday, Monday

Three of the greatest treasures on this earth.

Rejoicing in their lives today and renewing my commitment to God to raise them intentionally for Him.

This week will be laid back around here.

Thank goodness!

Last week was overflowing with outside activities and play dates.

Being busy can sometimes cause you to lose focus.
(me anyway)

Getting back to the important things in life today and walking by faith in the one who gives us HOPE.

What are you focusing on this week?

Psalm 138:8

The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me;
 your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever.
   Do not forsake the work of your hands.


  1. Yes it is so easy to get lost in all the activities that we do so it is good to have a easy laid back week when possable.

  2. You're right that it's too easy to be caught up in the busyness. You are very blessed to have three such beautiful reminders of what is really important.

    I happen to love that Psalm. It's among others that reminded me way back when I was growing children that He could raise any substitute that He wanted to do those jobs and (well intended) busyness that were conflicting with my family life, but He called exactly ONE person to be the mom to my girls.

    And so, even though I was walking against the grain a bit back then, I made sure to keep weeding my garden of the things which took my focus off of that job.

    This is my oddball, rambling, way of saying, "Go Mom!" I hope it made sense.
